The older adult mental health team provides community mental health services to people aged 65 and over with serious and/or enduring mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia. We also provide community mental health services to people aged 18 and over with complex cognitive disorders.
Our services include: assessment and diagnosis; psychological intervention; medication management; risk management, including safeguarding support; advice and health information for clients and their carers; support and education for primary care teams, social and community services, and other statutory, voluntary and private organisations; providing care to older people with mental health needs.
Therapies available include:
The team includes psychiatrists, psychologists, community nurses, occupational therapists, social workers and support workers and administrators.
Havering older adults mental health team (HOAMHT)
26 Gubbins Lane
Harold Wood
Tel: 0300 555 1135, ext 66700
Opening times: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
Please email: Havering.olderadultmentalhealthteam@nelft.nhs.uk. Referrals will also be accepted by fax, telephone call or letter direct to the older adults acess team. Please refer to the For clinicians page for more information.