Welcome to the Redbridge 0-19 Universal Services team. The 0-19 team are a team of Health Visitors, School Nurses, Staff Nurses, Nursery Nurses, Clinical Assistants and Administrators who are there to support your child and family throughout key stages in their lives. Across the 0-19 service we work together with other health practitioners, children’s centres, education and social services to ensure the health and safety of your child.
Health Visitors are qualified nurses from a variety of nursing backgrounds such as paediatric nursing adult nursing, midwifery, mental health nursing. They are trained to become Specialist Community Public Health Nurses. Health Visitors work alongside the other members of the team.
Health Visitors along with the skill mix team will support you and your child in their early years journey, making contact at regular intervals in line with the Healthy Child Programme https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/pathways-healthy-child/
School Nurses are qualified nurses who may have the additional training to become Specialist Community Public Health Nurses or alternatively have extensive experience as a paediatric nurse. School Nurses work alongside the other members of the skill mix team, they will see children and young people in school or within the home (where required), to support with health and wellbeing.
Below is a video by the Royal College of Nursing explaining the role of Health Visitors and School Nurses.
In Redbridge we use the Healthy Child Programme to provide four levels of services to support the local community of children and families
The 0-19 Universal team (health visitors and school nurses) provide public health events based on the local health needs, national high impact areas related to health visiting and national public health requirements.
This programme is provided to all children and families. This service is provided by health visitors, community nursery nurses, clinical support workers and administrative support workers. This health review support checking and reviewing the development of children from birth to 2 years old
This programme supports children and families that may need additional support with health or socials needs. With this service health visitors work with other professionals such as the speech and language therapists, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, the child development team, early years educational team etc
Supports children and families to get the best start in life and reduce health inequalities is an integral part of health visiting. This service supports families and children who have additional physical or/and mental health or social needs.
We have a duty desk that is available Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm excluding bank holidays. You can contact the duty desk for support or advice around your child’s health and wellbeing, please note we are not an emergency service, if you are concerned your child is unwell please contact your GP, 111 or your local A&E if an emergency.