For clinicians

Lead person for queries: Sara Tresilian - clinical psychologist
Tel: 0300 555 1267
(Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected)                    


Referrals will be accepted from Waltham Forest access and assessment team or:

  • for people requiring multi-disciplinary assessment and input, psychological therapies are accessed via secondary care mental health services.
  • or people with a first experience of psychosis under the age of 34 years can access psychological help through the early intervention (EIP) team.
  • or people with a longer duration of psychosis or non-psychotic problems can access psychological services through referral to the access and assessment team.
  • or people under the care of community mental health teams, substance misuse teams or acute mental health services can be referred directly to psychological therapies.

Criteria: Aged 18 years and over and live in Waltham Forest. Moderate to severe depression and anxiety disorders including trauma, psychosis from first episode through to recurrent episodes and psychotic depression.

Exclusions: Those who require the early intervention in psychosis service cognitive impairment, particularly dementia.

Test results required at referral: None