How can you be referred? Who can make the referral?
We treat children and young people with additional needs between birth & 19 years old for as long as Physiotherapy is indicated.
Children & young people with musculoskeletal problems are seen from birth to 16 years.
If your child is seen by a Health Visitor please discuss your concerns with them first and if their needs cannot be met through their intervention they can make a referral.
If your child is in School, Pre-school or Nursery please discuss your concerns with the SENCO who may then make a referral if their needs cannot be met through the Pre-school/nursery/school provision.
Referrals can also be made by other health professionals including your GP.
For any referring professional, please use the form below to fill in your referral and you can send it to: nem-referralsacorncentre@nhs.net
Referral form — Specialist children's health service referral form