As a national network we want to maximise our work across the NHS by connecting more directly with local BME and mainstream activities aimed at closing racial inequalities. Our network strongly believes that race inequalities will persist and in some areas such as representation of BME male nurses in senior positions, take generations to close unless we start to inspire local BME individuals and organisations to get actively involved in local decision making processes that promotes equity .
The network wants to see all ethnic groups and genders achieving similar success in the NHS including equal representation. Together we can make a difference by challenging poor and unfair policy and practice wherever we find it. The network will connect with other national networks on common goals.
Statement of purpose
The purpose of the network is to:
Promote NHS wide change
- Work towards issues regarding racial, cultural diversity and belonging being an evident part of the NHS to achieve positive and lasting change.
- Create and maintain a forum for positively raising the profile of black and minority ethnicity male nurses, race and culture in the NHS and greater community.
- Support existing activities and encourage the expansion of initiatives which reduce the incidence and impact of racism.
- Hold the NHS through regional structures accountable to its stated commitment to challenge racism and discrimination whenever identified.
Support black and minority ethnic male nursing staff
- Create and maintain a safe environment for black and ethnic minority staff to discuss issues pertaining to racial and cultural discrimination
- Accept the validity of the individual accounts from black male nursing staff and students who choose to disclose their experience of racism to network members
- While respectful of the need to protect members’ anonymity, the group will inform senior NHS nursing management through regional leads and sponsor Ruth May England CNO of trends, hotspots and incidents of racist behaviour on campus.
- Create a safe space of belonging where all the BME male nurses are accepted totally for who they are and what they stand for.