The specialist school nursing team covers schools in Thurrock and Essex. The team covers Beacon Hill Academy, Beacon Hill Post 16 , Pioneer school, Castledon school, Treetops and Treetops Free school, Treetops post 16 , Endeavour and Grove House Specialist schools.
The specialist school nursing service consists of qualified children’s nurses and nursery nurses providing specialist advice and support to carers, families and staff in the specialist educational setting, to enable all children to access education.
The specialist school nursing team support school staff within the stated specialist school provision, to have the knowledge and practical skills to be able to meet the child’s health needs in school, enabling the children to develop in a safe environment to the best of their ability. The specialist team encourage supportive relationships within the education provision amongst families, school staff, external agencies and the children/ young people.
This includes:
Beaconhill School
Tel : 01708 852006 option 2
Pioneer school:
Tel : 01268 243313
Email: E&KSSN@nelft.nhs.uk
Opening times: 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday
All children attendingBeacon Hill Academy, Beacon Hill Post 16 , Pioneer school, Castledon school, Treetops and Treetops Free school, Treetops post 16 and Endeavour schools are referred into our service, this is completed through the schools.
Grove House has a core service and advise of children and young people that are required to be referred into the specialist school nursing team.
Children’s bladder health: Bladder problems and incontinence - ERIC
Supporting Your Neurodiverse Child
Resources for parents - Children's dietetic service -NELFT
Children's Occupational Therapy - Understanding Sensory Processing