The NCMP was established in 2005 and involves measuring the height and weight of Reception and Yr6 Children in state maintained schools and academies in England.
Since April 2013 Public Health England has taken on responsibility for the national oversight of the NCMP from the Department of Health (DoH). At the same time Local Authorities became mandated to deliver the surveillance components of the programme which includes carrying out the measures in their schools and returning the data to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) for analysis.
The NCMP has 2 key functions:
Parents are informed by letter of their child’s results within 6 weeks of the measuring taking place. A proactive follow up programme of intervention is in place.
Redbridge has a small NCMP team in place managing the entire NCMP.
The Team can be contacted on 0300 300 1579 option 5