How can I help myself?

It's great to be able to help yourself when you're not feeling so great, or use some resources independently.

The purpose of this website is to share information about local resources/support. The NELFT do not control or monitor the content of third-party websites and do not comment on the suitability/quality of these resources and whether it would meet the needs of your family. Any links provided on this website is solely for your convenience, and third-party information, products and services, are provided ‘as is’, without any representation or endorsement made and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy. We do not accept any responsibility for any third-party website.

Anger and emotional regulation

Aggressive behaviour starts from a feeling of intense emotion (like anger, fear, annoyance or frustration). It may be verbal or physical and as such, can be emotionally and physically harmful to another person. Examples include hitting, pinching, swearing, saying something mean, biting or scratching. Most young children will show aggressive behaviour at times, and it is a normal part of child development. Sometimes the feeling of being angry is justified – a young child may have had their toy stolen or feel left out, or they may feel anxious or in need of attention. The difficulty is they cannot process this feeling, and that is where the adult comes in. 

A child needs an adult to help them to find ways to understand and express their difficult feelings. If a child feels anger very strongly, but hasn’t yet learnt what it is, it is likely to feel both unpleasant and overwhelming. Adults can help them understand the feeling and make it manageable without a behaviour (verbal or physical) that will hurt them or others. Our role as adults in the child’s life is to help to moderate and contain these feelings, and this in turn then leads to the aggression decreasing as the feelings become less overwhelming. 

Young children may also not yet understand that their behaviour can hurt others, or they may not yet be empathic for the upset or pain they’re causing. Thoughtful, caring adults can support children to learn and feel safe enough to think of others. 



MindEd Hub — Provides free e-learning resources to support families and professionals.

NHS — How to deal with challenging behaviour in children




We all feel anxious from time to time. Day-to-day things like friendship, money, exams or work can cause anxiety. Or certain situations, such as travelling home at night, starting a new school or giving a presentation. But the feeling usually passes once we feel safe or solve the problem we had. Generally the worries stop and we’re able to carry on with our lives. 

Anxiety is when you feel scared, worried or panicked about something. It’s a normal, human feeling and your body’s natural response to stress or danger. Anyone can experience anxiety, regardless of age, gender, race, culture or faith. 






Chill PandaReducing anxiety and improving well being in children through a fun gaming app

Clear Fear

ASD - Learning difficulty

Learning disability specific resources

 Challenging Behaviour Foundation The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is a registered charity that was founded in 1997 by Vivien Cooper OBE, the parent of a child with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges. They are the only charity focussed specifically on children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges. 

The Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities — Part of the London South Bank University. They help to make things better for people with learning disabilities, one of the area’s they concentrate on is health and well being. They work with: 

  • people with learning disabilities 
  • families 
  • carers 
  • local authorities 
  • service providers 

Mencap —  A charity that give advice on a variety of different things including health and wellbeing for everyone with a learning disability. 

National Autistic Society

Winston's Wish — Bereavement support for children with SEND.

IPSEA — Independent Provider of Special Education Advice



Bereavement and loss

Bereavement is the period following the loss of someone important to you. 

This can cause you to feel a range of different emotions. These emotions can affect you mentally and physically.. 

You might have heard the term ‘grief’ before. Grief is a natural response following a bereavement and is a way of adjusting to the loss of someone, whether it be a family member, friend or a pet. 

For young people this can be an extremely difficult period and there is no right or wrong way to feel. It’s important that you allow yourself time and space to grieve and to come to terms with a loss. 

Remember that everyone deals with and experiences grief in different ways. 

The range of emotions you might experience may include: 

  • sadness 
  • shock 
  • depression 
  • abandonment 
  • fear 
  • anger 
  • relief 
  • nothing at all 

Bullying and cyber bullying

Bullying and cyberbullying can mean lots of different things. It can happen anywhere, including online, at school or at home. 

Bullying can include:  

  • posting, commenting on or liking nasty photos, videos or posts about you online 
  • being called names, teased or humiliated 
  • being pushed, hit or hurt 
  • having money and other stuff stolen 
  • spreading rumours or starting group chats about you 
  • being ignored, left out or made to feel like you're not wanted 
  • being threatened, intimidated or sent nasty messages 
  • trolling you or commenting on your posts or pictures saying nasty things 
  • someone revealing personal details without your permission 
  • targeting you over and over again in an online game




Depression, low mood

Lots of people feel low sometimes, but when someone’s depressed those feelings can carry on for months or even longer. 

Depression is a mood disorder that makes someone feel down all the time and stops them from being able to enjoy their life. Depression can have a big effect on you, but you’re not alone. There are lots of ways to get support, cope and start to feel better. 





Childline — Coping kit



NHS - Depression in children and young people

Young Minds


Calm Harm



It’s normal to feel lonely sometimes, or to experience feelings of isolation. If you feel this way, it doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you. There is support available, and things you can do to help with this feeling. 

Anybody can experience loneliness regardless of age, gender, race, sexuality or anything else. If loneliness is affecting you and your mental health, remember there is support out there and there are things you can do to help. 

Loneliness is not a mental health problem, but it can start to affect our mental health. Experiences of loneliness can make us feel sad, depressed, or give us feelings of low self-esteem. Having a mental health problem can also make you more likely to experience loneliness. Sometimes, if we are already struggling with our mental health, it can feel difficult for us to interact with loved ones in the way we usually do. This can then make us feel isolated and lonely when we didn’t feel this way before. But life doesn’t have to be this way; if you’re feeling lonely, there are things you can do to feel better. 


Anna Freud — Supporting children and young people with depression

Mind — About loneliness

Young Minds — How to cope with Loneliness

Exam stress

It’s normal to feel stressed and worried about exams. Stress is your body’s natural response to pressure. While it can help you focus and feel motivated to get things done, sometimes it can feel hard to manage. 

Exam stress can affect anyone and it can show up in different ways. For example, you might: 

  • feel anxious or depressed 
  • feel irritable and angry 
  • struggle to sleep 
  • notice changes to your eating habits 
  • have negative thoughts about yourself 
  • worry about the future 
  • lose interest in the things you enjoy 
  • struggle to focus and concentrate 
  • feel unwell – for example, you might get headaches, feel sick or tired 

You might experience symptoms of stress that aren’t listed here, and that’s okay. We are all different and cope with stress and pressure in different ways. 

If you notice any of these feelings or you’re worried that exam pressure is taking over your life, you are not alone.



Anna Freud — Revision

Young Minds — Exam stress


The MIX — Pressure to do well and be better in exams — Coping with exam pressure

NHS — Help your child beat exam stress


The Motimator

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is an anxiety-related mental health condition. It can affect anybody, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or anything else. 

Although it can be serious and affect your daily life, it is treatable. 

There are two main parts to OCD: 

  • ‘Obsessions’ – These are unwanted and intrusive thoughts, images, impulses, worries, doubts or feelings that cause anxiety and distress. 
  • ‘Compulsions’ - These are behaviours or rituals that people with OCD carry out to try to stop the obsession. 

Carrying out compulsions can bring short-term relief. It might feel like they are helping in the moment, but the relief is always short lived. Sooner or later, the urge to repeat the compulsions returns. Some people with OCD find that the anxiety never really goes away, even if they carry out the compulsions. 

This can create a vicious cycle of obsessions and compulsions that can feel hard to break. It can take up lots of time and cause real anxiety and distress. This can get in the way of important things like sleeping, studying and socialising. 

But remember, help is available and things can get better. 




Young Minds - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The MIX - Anxiety OCS & Phobias



Chill PandaReducing anxiety and improving well being in children through a fun gaming app

Clear Fear

Struggling with family

Family can be there for you and be a huge support for your mental health. But things between you and your family may not always be easy. If you're struggling with your family, we have information and advice that can help. 

Family can be there for you through the good and bad times. You might love spending time with them and have great memories of growing up. They can also be a huge support for your mental health. Family can be there to listen when you need to talk, help you understand your thoughts and what support you need, or spend time with you so that you don’t feel alone. 

But we know that every family is different. Things with you and your family may not always be easy or straightforward. And not getting along with them can make life tough. But whatever is going on between you and your family, we have information and advice that can help. 



Anna Freud — Parents in conflict or separating


Gingerbread — Support for single parents


NSPCC — Helping your child cope with your divorce or separation

Young Minds — Family

The MIX — How to deal with divorce

Sesame Street - Divorce

School attendance issues

Self harm

Self-harm is when you intentionally cause harm to yourself as a way of dealing with difficult feelings, traumatic experiences or memories, neglect, or situations that you find overwhelming. People sometimes self-harm when life feels hard to cope with. 

Self-harm can look different for different people. You might find yourself doing things which are harmful, but not think of them as ‘self-harm’. But that doesn’t make your experience any less valid. 




Self care

‘Self-care’ is a phrase you’ve probably come across, but what does it really mean? 

Judging by what we see in adverts or on social media, we might think it’s all about candles, yoga and luxury bath bombs. We might think it costs a lot of money and takes a lot of time. And we might feel like it isn’t for us. But is that really what it's all about? 

In its simplest form, self-care is just the little things we do to look after our own mental health. It’s about trying to listen to how we are feeling and understanding what we need, even if it’s difficult, so we can care for ourselves. 

This could mean taking a timeout when we're feeling overwhelmed; it could mean making time to do an activity that we know makes us feel good; or it could be as simple as making sure to do the basics like eating and sleeping well when we're struggling. 




Trauma and abuse (PTSD)

Experiencing difficult events is a part of life, and it’s normal to struggle with how you feel afterwards. Most of the time we will move on and feel better fairly quickly. However, when something really distressing happens that leaves us feeling terrified, helpless and unable to cope, it can have a significant, long-term effect on our emotional wellbeing. This is called trauma. 

Trauma can be the result of a one-off event, a series of events, or an ongoing situation. You can experience trauma even if you weren’t directly involved in the event - for example, if you witness something bad happen. 

There is an idea that for something to be traumatic, it has to be really extreme, like fighting in a war. But this isn’t the case. 

Sometimes trauma can be a ‘small’ thing that has left a big impact on how you think, feel or act – even if for another person that thing might seem insignificant. For example, if a teacher called you ‘stupid’, that could be traumatic for you if, as a result, you start to struggle with negative feelings about yourself. 

Trauma can also be the result of things that build up over time. For example, a family member constantly criticising you or saying mean things to you can amount to trauma. 

