If you work in one of the schools listed on the 'Find your school' page and would like to refer a student, please speak with the SET MHST practitioner linked with your school.
If you’re not sure who is this, please speak with the SENCO, Inclusion Manager, Pastoral Director or equivalent in the school you work in.
Not currently a SET MHST school? Please refer to the 'Not currently a MHST school' tab on our 'Find your school' page.
You can also contact SET MHST by emailing us at MidSouthEssexMHSTAdmin@nelft.nhs.uk.
The MHST is an education-based service therefore we are only accepting request for support directly from our schools. If you would like to hear more about our support offer, please contact us on MidSouthEssexMHSTAdmin@nelft.nhs.uk.
The national roll-out of the Designated Mental Health Lead (DMHL) and Senior Mental Health Lead (SMHL) training for staff in all school and educational settings has seen a significant shift in how mental health and wellbeing is being positioned within education.
By 2025, all schools and educational settings should have appointed an SMHL/DMHL. Further information about the training can be found here.
SET MHST would like to support our DMHL and SMHL in relation to their role within education in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of their children, young people, staff and communities. We understand the priority in this area and particularly in relation to the strategic view of developing a Whole School Approach to mental health and wellbeing within an education framework.
Should you require further information in relation to our developing a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing in relation to an educational framework please contact the SET MHST Educational Lead, Anthony Scrafton on Anthony.scrafton@nelft.nhs.uk
Once a term, SET MHST will bring together all our stakeholders that we work with for a SET MHST Education Network Meeting. The purpose of this is to both share updates within mental health and wellbeing and how this related to schools and education settings. It is also share best practice and connect professionals in relation to helping to shape the SET MHST service delivery.
Details of our next SET MHST Network Meeting will follow soon. Please contact Anthony Scrafton for further information on anthony.scrafton@nelft.nhs.uk.