Community paediatricians are able to assess children regarding a number of concerns including developmental issues, medical conditions that may have an impact on learning and specific motor control difficulties. They can also provide follow up information for children with medical needs who attend special schools. Other clinical services provided include:
Community paediatricians:
Tel: 0300 300 1751 Option 3
Direct Tel: 0300 300 1759
Email: BDSpCommChildren@nelft.nhs.uk
The Looked After Children’s team is based at the Town Hall Square, 1 Clock House Avenue Barking IG11 7LU.
The Looked After Children’s team comprises of specialist nurses and community paediatricians, who assess the healthy needs of children who are looked after.
The Organisation provides a service for 0 to 18 years olds placed in care placed by Barking and Dagenham and other local authorities by delivering Initial Health Assessments and Review Health Assessments.
The Looked After Children’s team work closely with Social Services, foster carers, and other health professionals.
Looked After Children (LAC) Tel: 0300 300 1760 Email: BarkDag.LACTeam@nelft.nhs.uk
Immunisation Service Tel: Tel: 0300 300 1694 Email: PaediatricBCGImmunisations@nelft.nhs.uk
Special school nurses: 0208 430 7340
Team email: specialistschoolnursingb&d@nelft.nhs.uk
The children’s community physiotherapy team provides specialist physiotherapy assessment, advice and intervention to children who have longer term difficulties or conditions which affect their movement, motor development and function. After initial physiotherapy assessments, the physiotherapy team can also support referrals for specialist paediatric orthotic assessment. They can also advise and assist in the use of splints, specialist footwear and helmets.
Physiotherapy team Tel: 0300 300 1751 Option 2. Email: OTandPTadminqueries@nelft.nhs.uk, Email: BDSpCommChildren@nelft.nhs.uk
The children’s occupational therapy service helps children with disabilities and difficulties participate as fully as possible in their everyday activities by providing assessment, advice and intervention to develop a child’s daily life skills.
Occupational therapy team Tel: 0300 300 1751 Option 2. Email: OTandPTadminqueries@nelft.nhs.uk, Email: BDSpCommChildren@nelft.nhs.uk
The speech and language therapy service provides specialist assessment, diagnosis, intervention and management of communication and/or feeding including stammering, speech sounds, language development and swallowing difficulties. The team works jointly with parents or carers, early years practitioners and school staff to develop a supportive environment to encourage the development of communication skills.
Speech and language therapy team Tel: 0300 300 1751 Option 2. Email address for enquiries: BDSpCommChildren@nelft.nhs.uk
The child and family consultation services are a group of mental health services for children and young people, also known as CAMHS (Children and adolescent mental health services). CAMHS offer help to children and young people who are experiencing emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties. The services are available to families with children & young people from birth to their 18th birthday. Support is offered in a variety of settings such as specialist community clinics, home visits, support in schools, and support to hospital paediatric wards and A&E departments.
Barking and Dagenham child mental health services (CAMHS)
Tel: 0300 555 1247
Tel: 0300 555 1035
Email: BDSpCommChildren@nelft.nhs.uk
Tel: 0300 300 1751 Option 1
Who we are?
Talking Therapies Barking & Dagenham IAPT is a NHS Primary Care Psychological Service based at Church Elm Lane Health Centre. It is a free, confidential service offering emotional support for people aged over 18 registered with a Barking & Dagenham GP. We recently supported those affected by the Dagenham fires and continue to help the community to overcome mental health difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
What do we offer?
We currently offer a range of therapies for those experiencing mild to moderate mental health difficulties such as:
Our support can be delivered in a range of ways, including:
Silvercloud and Physical Activity
We also provide additional support though Silvercloud; an online support programme which our clients can access from home at any time. SilverCloud is an online cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) programme which allows you to complete therapy in your own time and at your own pace. It offers secure and immediate access to a range of mental health and wellbeing programmes which you work through, using your computer, tablet, or mobile phone.
We also offer physical activities coordinator who works with our users of service to support them in using physical activity to improve their mental health.
Referral Process
For those interested in referring to us, they can self-refer directly by calling our office on 0300 300 1554 opt 3 (phonelines open Monday-Friday, 09:00-17:00), or through our website.
The CDC consist of the specialist teams supporting children with developmental and physical health needs that are based at the Child & Family Centre alongside child and adolescent mental health services. The service provides integrated health care to children and families in Barking and Dagenham working jointly with partner agencies in education and social care such as:
The CDC offers diagnostic management, assessment and on-going support of any child who may have a disability or developmental difficulties. Multi-disciplinary involvement from specialist nurses, paediatricians, therapy services, and special educational needs (SEN) early years services ensures regular assessment of the child’s needs as required.
Children who may require support from our services may be offered an assessment by the child development team. Their information may be discussed with health, social care and education services to identify the services which best support the child. Parents will be informed of these discussions.
Please contact Team Lead: Ruth Ayodele:
Email: BD-CDC-Nursing@nelft.nhs.uk
Tel: 0300 300 1751 - Option 2
Tel: 0300 300 1751