The team have successfully integrated Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT), and it reflects the team’s openness to trialling new and innovative treatment approaches. There has been very positive feedback from young people and carers on the workshops."
During this review, parents and carers said they were:
"Grateful for the parent support groups and workshops run by the team."
Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) Workshop:
You may be invited to a workshop were you will learn Emotion Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) skills to support your loved one in their recovery.
FBT (Family Based Treatment):
If your loved one is under 18, we offer Family Based Therapy (FBT), the first-line evidence-based treatment for young people with eating disorders. FBT takes place fortnightly with a family therapist, specialist nurse or clinical psychologist. These sessions may involve everyone in the family or parent-only sessions. A course of treatment is typically 20 sessions and may last around one year.