If you need to contact a member of the team:
Tel: 0300 555 1216
Fax: 0844 931 0137
Email: Eating.Disorder@nelft.nhs.uk
(Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected)
We offer a duty triage service from 9:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday if you wish to discuss a potential referral.
Any referral that meets emergency criteria will be triaged on the day and support given around urgent medcal care.
Referrals will be accepted from GPs, community mental health teams, home treatment teams (HTTs), and the A&E liaison service. Referrals should be emailed to Eating.Disorder@nelft.nhs.uk where possible. Please ensure patient identifiable information is password protected.
When making a referral, if the service user or their family requires an interpreter, please ensure you fill this out on our referral form. This helps us to improve the accessibility to our service, thank you.
Essential Criteria:
Test results recommended at referral: