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Service user feedback projects

We value your feedback on how we can run our services and improve the care that we offer to you and other young people! There are lots of opportunities to provide your feedback and be involved in co-creating resources and transforming our service. If you are interested in taking part and learning more about how you can get involved with our different service user feedback projects, please contact EDS administration, or let your clinician know.

Types of treatment for young people with eating disorders

Physical Health Monitoring:

We may invite you into our clinic where we may run a blood test, take your weight, height and blood pressure. This meeting may be performed with your primary therapist or another member of our team.


You may be offered appointments with one of our dietitians to assess your nutritional requirements and design meal plans with you.

Psychiatric Intervention:

You may be offered a review with one of our consultant psychiatrists who may help support you with your wider mental health and who can prescribe and review medication.

Family Based Treatment:

Family Based Treatment (FBT) is the first-line evidence-based treatment for young people with eating disorders. You and your family members, or sometimes, just your parents/carers, will meet fortnightly with a family therapist, specialist nurse, or clinical/counselling psychologist. These sessions may last around one year to help support you through your recovery.

NEW intensive treatment pathway:

Coming soon.

Eating Disorder Mythbusters

MYTH - I don't have an eating disorder if I'm not underweight.

MYTHBUSTER: Most people with eating disorders are not underweight. People with eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes. We do not refuse treatment to people based on their weight.

MYTH - You can tell someone has an eating disorder just by looking at them.

MYTHBUSTER: Many people with eating disorders may look healthy. Eating disorders present in many different ways and impact people of different sizes and shapes. 

MYTH - You will always have an eating disorder.

MYTHBUSTER: It is possible to fully recover from an eating disorder with treatment and support. 

MYTH - Only young women have eating disorders.

MYTHBUSTER: Eating disorders affect all people - all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, bodyshapes, weight, sexual orientations and socioeconomic statuses. Anyone can have an eating disorder.

MYTH - If I get treatment for my eating disorder, I will have to go into hospital.

MYTHBUSTER: For most of our patients, we are able to support you and treat your eating disorder while you are at home.

MYTH - Eating disorders are a choice.

MYTHBUSTER: Eating disorders are serious illnesses and you deserve support.