The site for the proposed St George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub, outlined in red, is the remaining North-West plot at the former St George’s Hospital, Suttons Lane. It is located to the south of Hornchurch town centre and underground station, 7-10 minutes’ walk. The remainder of the former St George’s Hospital site has planning consent for residential development, which is currently under construction by Bellway Homes.
Planning Application Site Location
Aerial view showing Planning Application Site boundary from west
The site already has planning permission for a similar healthcare development, as shown below. Following submission of that application in 2015, a review concluded that additional services should be included in the Health and Wellbeing Hub, and these could not be accommodated within the design, which was approved in 2020.
The reason for the changes are the need for additional services, which will bring significant benefit to the local community, improving access and reducing waiting times. Consequently, a new planning application is required to deliver the building that meets local need.