NELFT Trust Board

The NELFT NHS Foundation Trust Board of Directors has 13 voting members. Seven members, including the Chair, are non-executive members. They are appointed by the Council of Governors to provide an independent view to the work of the Board. Six members, including the Chief Executive, are executive members. They are in charge of the day-to-day running of the Trust.

Board meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of every other month in the Boardroom,Trust Head Office, CEME Centre – West Wing, Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8GQ. Board papers are available a week prior to the Board meeting and can be viewed here: Board papers

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Dr Caroline Allum

Caroline Allum
Executive Medical Director

Caroline is the Executive Medical Director and Trust Caldicott Guardian at NELFT.  She is also a consultant radiologist.

Caroline joined us in April 2016 from Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust where she was Medical Director from November 2013- March 2016. She previously held leadership roles at Whittington Health.

Caroline’s portfolio involves professional leadership for medical staff, Quality Improvement, Clinical Audit, Research and Development, Responsible Officer, Pharmacy, Medical Education, medical advisor to the Board and Caldicott Guardian.