This service does not yet cover all locations within SET CAMHS. This is a new stand alone service which is rapidly expanding.
The Primary care Network (PCN) Mental Health Services is a team of mental health professionals working within GP Surgeries, who help children and young people with their emotional and mental wellbeing.
The aim is to improve the mental health care of young people (0-18) and reduce the strain on GPs and secondary mental health services.
We want to connect NHS primary care services to CAMHS specialist services, mental health support in schools and third-party mental health support services.
Whilst we aren't in every GP practice in Southend Essex and Thurrock yet, we are still expanding and will be updating our locations on this page, please also do continue to discuss mental health with your GP/Practice professionals.
More information can be found here.
We are here and ready to help, so speak to your GP about the children and young people's mental health practitioner.
We can offer a young person support through:
Abbeyfield PCN
Brentwood PCN
Tollgate & East Hill PCN
Central Basildon PCN
East Basildon PCN
Rayleigh PCN (No image yet)
Thurrock PCN
Southend PCN
Braintree PCN
Colne Valley PCN
Aegros PCN (Danbury, Gt Notley)
ASOP PCN (Thurrock)
Chelmer PCN
Chelmsford PCN
Clacton PCN
Tendring PCN
Colchester PCN
Harlow PCN
Canvey PCN
Tilbury & Chadwell PCN
MindEd for Famililes offers safe and reliable advice about young people's mental health.
Young Minds offer telephone, email and webchat services to parents and carers who are concerned about their child's mental health.
Kooth is a free, confidential, safe and anonymous way for young people over the age of 11 to access support, as well as an online community.