A clinical health psychology service that is part of a multi-disciplinary diabetes team.
The diabetes psychological therapists are part of the long-term conditions psychology service which also focuses on heart and respiratory conditions. The diabetes psychology team works with individuals who have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Psychological therapists are involved in Desmond (Type 2) educational sessions and provide monthly psychoeducational input for these patients. Diabetes can take its toll on ones emotional well-being, while stress and negative emotions can affect blood glucose control. Psychologists can help patients change their overall outlook on the condition and the treatment for diabetes. They can also help with learning effective strategies to ensure they regularly test blood glucose, take their medications, improve eating habits, activity levels, and complete other diabetes self-management activities.
We offer individual, couple and group psychological interventions to patients. We try to tailor the treatment to the patient’s needs. Psychological therapists use different psychological treatment models. We are flexible in our approach, and we offer short term and longer term interventions i.e. 6 - 20 weekly sessions.