1. Home

  2. Our services

    1. Our services - Mixed locations
      1. Services collection
        1. Multi area services
          1. Enhanced Integrated Crisis Assessment Hub
          2. Acute Respiratory Infections Virtual Ward
          3. Long COVID service
            1. Long Covid Resources
            2. Patient stories and feedback
          4. BHR Children’s Autism Service
          5. North East London Keyworking Service
            1. Dynamic Support Register
            2. Keyworking Team
            3. Local Offer Support
            4. Questions from children, young people, families and carers
            5. Questions from colleagues
          6. Adult diabetes
            1. For clinicians
          7. Adult home treatment team
            1. For clinicians
          8. Adult speech and language therapy (SALT)
            1. For clinicians
          9. Audiology Service
            1. For clinicians
          10. Barking, Havering & Redbridge Blood Test Service
            1. For Clinicians
          11. Better Care Together Thurrock
          12. Beam Park Health Centre
          13. BHR Integrated Discharge Hub
          14. Children & Young People Mental Health Early Intervention Services
          15. Children’s diabetes service
            1. For clinicians
          16. Children's epilepsy
            1. For clinicians
          17. Children’s Integrated therapies
            1. Autism & ADHD Assessment Team
              1. Autism
                1. Support for your child while waiting for assessment
                2. Support for your child after their Autism diagnosis
              2. ADHD
              3. Referral process
            2. Children's Occupational Therapy
              1. Early Development
              2. School Life
              3. Self-Care and Leisure
              4. Understanding Sensory Processing
              5. FAQs
              6. How to refer
            3. Physiotherapy - Community children's team
              1. Advice, leaflets and videos
              2. What to expect from our service
              3. Our referral process
            4. Specialist Health Visiting Team
            5. Speech & language therapy - Community children's team
              1. Resource hub
                1. Ages and stages - From birth to 17 years
                2. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
                3. Bilingualism
                4. Cleft lip and palate
                5. Extra help for early communication
                6. Early years and pre-school advice
                7. Language focussed play
                8. Secondary school aged
                9. School aged language
                10. Selective mutism
                11. Speech sounds
                12. Stammering
                13. Voice
              2. Our referral process
              3. Training
            6. Children's feeding and dietetic service
              1. Parents Resource Hub
                1. Supporting successful assessments
                2. Understanding children's eating and supporting change
                3. Targeted nutrition support
                4. Allergies and food exclusion
                  1. Milk allergy information
                  2. Food exclusions
                5. Home enteral tube feeding
                6. Weight management
                7. Assessing and supporting dysphagia
              2. Our referral process
              3. For clinicians
            7. Locations and opening times
            8. Children’s Integrated therapies - Contact us
          18. Community children's nursing
            1. For clinicians
          19. Community geriatrician service
            1. For clinicians
          20. Community Hospitals - Inpatients
            1. For clinicians
          21. Community liaison team
            1. For clinicians
          22. Community paediatric service
            1. For clinicians
          23. Community paediatric continence service
          24. Community treatment team
            1. For clinicians
          25. Dementia crisis support team
            1. For clinicians
          26. Diabetes foot protection service
            1. For clinicians
          27. Eating Disorders Service - London areas
            1. Meet the EDS team
            2. For Professionals
            3. For Adults
            4. For Young People
            5. For Parents and Carers
            6. Emergency support
            7. Eating disorder resources
            8. Feedback for our service
          28. Environmental controls service
          29. End of Life care
          30. Epilepsy service
            1. For clinicians
          31. Essex Mental Health Support Team
            1. Primary school
            2. Secondary school/Further Education/Higher Education
            3. Find your school
            4. Working with you - How you shape our teams
            5. Information for professionals
            6. Resources and FAQs
          32. Essex sickle cell and thalassaemia service
            1. For clinicians
          33. Essex Tissue viability
            1. For clinicians
          34. Heart failure service
            1. For clinicians
          35. IMPART personality disorder service
            1. For clinicians
          36. Integrated community teams
            1. For clinicians
          37. Intensive rehabilitation service (IRS) BHR boroughs
            1. For clinicians
          38. Integrated respiratory service
            1. Pulmonary rehabilitation service
            2. For clinicians
          39. Intensive rehabilitation service- Essex
            1. For clinicians
          40. Intensive Support Team (IST)
            1. Intensive Support Team (IST) - For clinicians
          41. INTERACT (adolescent outreach team)
            1. For clinicians
          42. Macmillan community children nursing
          43. NHS 111 Option 2 and Mental Health Direct Crisis Lines
          44. Minor injuries unit (Orsett)
            1. For clinicians
          45. North East Essex Mental Health Advocacy Service
          46. Nutrition and dietetic service
            1. For clinicians
          47. Older adults home treatment team (OAHTT)
            1. For clinicians
          48. Orthotic service
            1. For clinicians
          49. Parkinson's service
            1. For clinicians
          50. Paediatric BCG service
          51. Paternal Post-natal Anxiety and Depression
            1. Useful contacts
          52. Perinatal parent infant mental health service - PPIMHS
            1. For clinicians
          53. Phlebotomy
            1. For clinicians
          54. Peer Support Workers
          55. Prosthetics service
            1. For clinicians
          56. Significant 7+ Training for Care Homes
          57. Southend, Essex and Thurrock (SET) CAMHS
            1. Who are we? How do we help?
              1. Hubs - Mid
              2. Hubs - Castlepoint & Rochford
              3. Hubs - Southend
              4. Hubs - West
              5. Hubs - North
              6. Hubs - Basildon & Brentwood
              7. Hubs - Thurrock
              8. Teams - Eating Disorder Service
              9. Teams - Learning Disability Team
              10. Teams - Crisis and Home Treatment
              11. Teams - Primary Care Network
            2. How can I help myself?
            3. Participation
            4. Transition out of Children Mental Health
            5. How to get in touch and refer
          58. Specialist Psychological Services
            1. Adult Autism Service
              1. Autism Acceptance Week
                1. Resources
            2. Clinical Health Psychology Services (CHPS)
              1. Clinical Health Psychology Service (Thurrock)
              2. Clinical Health Psychological Service (Waltham Forest)
              3. Chronic Pain Psychology Service
              4. Cancer Psychological Therapies
              5. Cardiac Rehabilitation Psychological Services
              6. Mental Health and Psychological Wellbeing Service
              7. Maternity and Gynaecology Psychological Service
              8. TULIP/Maternal Mental Health Service
              9. Critical Care Psychology Service
              10. Paediatric Diabetes Psychological Service
              11. Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia psychological service
              12. The Dental and Oral-maxillofacial Psychology Service
                1. Adult Dental & Oral-maxillofacial Trauma Psychology Service
                2. Paediatric Dental and Oral-maxillofacial Trauma Psychology
                3. Orthognathic Psychology Service
                4. Dental and Oral-maxillofacial Trauma Psychology Service staff wellbeing
              13. Long term conditions psychological service
                1. Psychology service for diabetes
                2. Integrated coronary heart disease service
                3. Integrated respiratory service
          59. Specialist school nursing team
            1. For Clinicians
          60. Stroke hub
            1. For clinicians
          61. Specialist services for children with disabilities
            1. For healthcare professionals
          62. Wheelchair and special seating service
    2. Main locations
      1. London Services
        1. Barking and Dagenham
          1. Children in Care Service Barking and Dagenham
            1. My Health Record
            2. Health and Wellbeing
            3. Mental Health
            4. Becoming Independent
          2. Barking & Dagenham Mental Health Support Team (MHST)
            1. Primary school
            2. Secondary school/Further education/Higher education
            3. Find your school
            4. Resources
          3. Barking & Dagenham Mental Health & Wellness Teams (MH&WTs)
            1. For clinicians
          4. Community rehabilitation service
            1. For clinicians
          5. Children's Integrated Therapies - Barking and Dagenham
            1. Social Communication Pathway
            2. Language Pathway
            3. SALT Specialist Pathways – Deafness, Stammering, Speech Sound Disorder, Voice
            4. Complex Needs and Dysphagia Pathway
            5. Motor Skills Pathway
            6. Physical Disability Pathway
            7. Referrals
          6. Barking and Dagenham 0-19 Universal Childrens Service
            1. Antenatal
            2. Health visiting
            3. School Nursing
            4. 0-5 years
              1. New birth visits
              2. Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP)
              3. Child health clinics
              4. Infant feeding
              5. Immunisations
              6. Maternal Mental Health / Emotional wellbeing of parents/ 6-8 week contact
              7. Oral health - Advice for parents
              8. Reducing accidents
              9. Parenting support
              10. Healthy one year olds, two year olds and getting ready for school
              11. Healthy weight / Healthy nutrition
              12. Women's health
            5. 5-11 years
            6. 11-19 years
            7. Useful resources and information for parents
            8. For clinicians
            9. Contact us
          7. Psychology, Mood, Anxiety and Personality Care Pathway
          8. Nursing service - Child Development Centre (CDC)
            1. Child Development Centre (CDC)
            2. Referrals to the Child Development Centre
            3. Social Communication Needs
            4. CDC Useful links and resources
          9. Barking and Dagenham Psychosis Care Pathway
          10. Admiral nurses
            1. For clinicians
          11. Continence advisory service
            1. For clinicians
          12. Podiatry service
            1. For clinicians
          13. Early intervention in psychosis service
            1. For clinicians
          14. Diabetes service (adults)
            1. For clinicians
          15. Adult speech and language therapy (SALT)
            1. For clinicians
          16. Cardiac service
            1. For clinicians
          17. Community medical paediatrics
            1. For clinicians
          18. Community health and social care services (Barking)
            1. Barking & Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge Falls Clinic
          19. Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) Barking & Dagenham
            1. Community Learning Disability Team Barking and Dagenham - For clinicians
          20. District nursing
            1. For clinicians
          21. Intermediate care therapy
            1. For clinicians
          22. Integrated care team (Barking and Dagenham)
            1. For clinicians
          23. Neuroscience specialist nursing service
            1. For clinicians
          24. Memory service - Barking and Dagenham
            1. For clinicians
          25. Barking and Dagenham Nutrition and dietetics service
            1. For clinicians
          26. Outpatients service - Barking and Dagenham
            1. For clinicians
          27. Paediatric occupational therapy & physiotherapy
            1. For clinicians
          28. Older adult mental health and memory service
            1. Information for clinicians
          29. Specialist School Nursing
            1. Resources
          30. Respiratory services (Barking and Dagenham)
            1. For clinicians
          31. Barking & Dagenham Tissue viability
            1. For clinicians
        2. Havering
          1. St. George's Health and Wellbeing Hub
          2. Havering Mental Health and Wellness Teams
          3. 0-19 Children's Services - Havering
            1. Health visiting
            2. School nursing
              1. National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
              2. E drop-in clinics
            3. Antenatal
            4. 0-5 years
              1. New birth visits
              2. Newborn Hearing Screening Programme (NHSP)
              3. Transition to parenting
              4. Immunisations
              5. Child health clinics
              6. Breastfeeding
              7. Infant feeding
              8. Oral health
              9. Healthy weight/ Healthy nutrition
              10. Healthy one year olds, two year olds & Getting ready for school
              11. Reducing accidents
              12. Maternal mental health
              13. Women's Health
            5. 5-11 years
            6. 11-19 years
            7. For clinicians
            8. Resources
          4. Havering children's physiotherapy service
            1. Under 5’s
            2. Over 5's
            3. Musculoskeletal (MSK)
            4. Specialist equipment
            5. Resources for parents
            6. The referral process
          5. Havering Emotional Support Team (HEST)
          6. Early intervention in psychosis service
            1. For clinicians
          7. Havering Adult Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
            1. For clinicians
          8. Cardiac service
            1. For clinicians
          9. Child and adolescent speech and language (SALT) therapy
            1. How does a child develop speech and language
            2. What types of support do we offer?
              1. Preschool Children
              2. School age children
              3. Specialist clinics
            3. Ideas for encouraging communication
            4. Useful links and resources
            5. Get in touch and refer
            6. Feedback
          10. Havering Children's Occupational Therapy Service
            1. Resources
          11. Child and adolescent mental health service (Havering)
          12. Child health information
          13. Community health and social care services
            1. Havering, Barking & Redbridge Falls Clinic
          14. Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) Havering
            1. Community Learning Disability Team Havering - For clinicians
          15. Community paediatrics
            1. For clinicians
          16. Continence advisory service
            1. For clinicians
          17. District nursing (Havering)
            1. For clinicians
          18. Diabetes service (adults)
            1. For clinicians
          19. Havering Nutrition and dietetics service
            1. For clinicians
          20. Memory service - Havering
            1. FAQ's - Havering memory service
            2. Helpful general information
            3. Havering memory service groups
            4. Medication
            5. Research
            6. For clinicians
          21. Neuroscience specialist nursing service
            1. For clinicians
          22. Older adult mental health team (Havering)
            1. For clinicians
          23. Outpatient service/day hospital
            1. For clinicians
          24. Adult Musculoskeletal Services (MSK)
            1. Self care
              1. Back pain
              2. Neck pain
              3. Shoulder pain
              4. Ankle pain
              5. Elbow pain
              6. Hand pain
              7. Hip pain
              8. Persistent pain
              9. Knee pain
              10. Fibromyalgia
              11. Falls
              12. General health
            2. Contact us
            3. MSK FAQs
            4. For clinicians
          25. Podiatry service
            1. For clinicians
          26. Primary mental health team- PMHT
            1. For clinicians
          27. Havering psychological services
          28. Single Point of Access (SPA) Havering
            1. For clinicians
          29. Havering Tissue viability
            1. For clinicians
          30. Integrated care team (Havering)
            1. For clinicians
          31. Respiratory team (Havering)
            1. For clinicians
        3. Redbridge
          1. Redbridge Crisis House
          2. Ilford Exchange Health Centre
          3. Redbridge Mental Health & Wellness Teams
          4. BHR Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services
            1. Useful resources
          5. 0-19 Universal Children's Services - Redbridge
            1. About us/Contact us
            2. Pregnancy
            3. Vaccinations
            4. 0 to 1 years
            5. Developmental health review
            6. Feeding and Nutrition
              1. Resources
            7. School health
              1. National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
            8. Clinics
            9. For clinicians
          6. Redbridge reablement service (RRS)
          7. Redbridge Community Health and Social Care Services (HASS)
          8. Child and adolescent mental health service (Redbridge)
          9. Community Specialist Services
            1. For clinicians
          10. Redbridge Adult speech and language therapy (SALT)
            1. For clinicians
          11. Continence advisory service
            1. For clinicians
          12. Redbridge Child and adolescent speech and language therapy
            1. Information for parents
            2. For clinicians
          13. Cardiac service
            1. For clinicians
          14. Early intervention in schools
            1. For clinicians
          15. Home treatment team (HTT)
            1. For clinicians
          16. Redbridge HASS community Therapies
            1. For clinicians
          17. District nursing
            1. For clinicians
          18. Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) Redbridge
            1. Community Learning Disability Team Redbridge - For clinicians
          19. Childrens community nursing
            1. For clinicians
          20. Redbridge Nutrition and dietetics service
            1. For clinicians
          21. Podiatry service
          22. Psychological services Redbridge
            1. For clinicians
          23. Redbridge Physiotherapy service for children & young people
            1. For clinicians
          24. School health
            1. For clinicians
          25. Redbridge Fusion NELFT
            1. For clinicians
          26. Sunflowers court - Ogura ward
            1. For clinicians
          27. Diabetes service (adults)
            1. For clinicians
          28. Special needs school nursing
            1. For clinicians
          29. Healthy eating support (Redbridge)
            1. Resources for parents
          30. Redbridge Tissue Viability and Leg Ulcer
            1. For clinicians
          31. Integrated Case Management Team
            1. For clinicians
          32. Occupational therapy service for children and young people
            1. For clinicians
          33. Early intervention in psychosis service
            1. For clinicians
          34. Respiratory service
            1. For clinicians
          35. Memory service - Redbridge
            1. For clinicians
            2. Resources
        4. Waltham Forest
          1. Waltham Forest 0-19 universal children's services
          2. Waltham Forest Nutrition and dietetics
            1. Adults Resource Hub
              1. Healthy eating for long term conditions and pregnancy
              2. Weight management
              3. Gastrointestinal disorders
              4. Nutrition support
              5. Micronutrient deficiencies
            2. Children's Resource Hub
              1. Waltham Forest Weight Management Services
            3. Topic of the Month
            4. For clinicians
          3. Whipps Cross Urgent Care Centre
          4. Waltham Forest Blood Test Service
          5. Early intervention in psychosis (EIP) service
            1. For clinicians
          6. Community medical paediatric service
            1. For clinicians
          7. Rehabilitation service (Waltham Forest)
            1. For clinicians
          8. Waltham Forest adult community health services
          9. Falls prevention service
            1. For clinicians
          10. Whipps Cross
          11. Children’s community nursing
            1. For clinicians
          12. Waltham Forest Mental Health Single Point of Access
            1. For clinicians
          13. Respiratory service (Waltham Forest)
            1. Waltham Forest Long COVID Community Triage Team
            2. For clinicians
          14. Child development nursing team
            1. Child Development Team
            2. CDT Play Groups
            3. Useful links and resources
            4. Advice on sleep
            5. Advice on toilet training
            6. ASD Support
            7. Information while waiting for an assessment
            8. For clinicians
          15. Special school nursing
            1. For clinicians
          16. Diabetes service (adults)
            1. For clinicians
          17. Memory service - Waltham Forest
            1. FAQ's - Waltham Forest Memory Service
            2. Helpful general information
            3. Memory service groups
            4. Medication
            5. Research
            6. For clinicians
          18. Older adult mental health team (OAMHT)
            1. For clinicians
          19. Community recovery team
            1. For clinicians
          20. Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT) Waltham Forest
            1. Community Learning Disability Team Waltham Forest - For clinicians
          21. District nursing
            1. For clinicians
          22. Podiatry service
          23. Continence advisory service
            1. For clinicians
          24. Fast track
            1. For clinicians
          25. Waltham Forest Tissue viability
            1. For clinicians
          26. Community haemoglobinopathy
            1. For clinicians
          27. Child and adolescent speech and language therapy (SALT)
            1. Developmental Stages
            2. What to expect from our service
            3. Advice and Leaflets
            4. Top Tip Videos
            5. Useful Links and Resources
            6. For clinicians
          28. Children’s community physiotherapy
            1. For clinicians
          29. Psychological services Waltham Forest
            1. For clinicians
          30. Integrated community care team
            1. For clinicians
          31. Neuroscience specialist nursing service
            1. For clinicians
          32. Waltham Forest child and adolescent mental health service
          33. Children’s occupational therapy
            1. Self-care resources
            2. For clinicians
          34. Rapid Response service
            1. For clinicians
          35. Home treatment team (HTT)
            1. For clinicians
      2. Essex Services
        1. Basildon
          1. Community Falls Strength and Balance Exercise Service
          2. Urgent Community Response Team (UCRT) South West
        2. Brentwood
        3. Chelmsford
          1. 0-5 years
          2. 5-19 years
        4. Southend
          1. 0-5 years
          2. 5-19 years
        5. Thurrock
          1. Thurrock 0-19 Brighter Futures Healthy Families service
            1. Thurrock health visiting (0-5)
              1. Parent information
                1. Antenatal
                2. New birth
                3. 6-8 week
                4. Infant feeding
                  1. Infant feeding resources
                  2. Breastfeeding welcome here scheme
                5. 3 months
                6. 6 months
                7. 8 months - 1 year developmental assessment
                8. 2 - 2.5 year developmental assessment
                9. Emotional wellbeing
                10. Young parents support
              2. Health Visiting E-Support for 0-5 years
              3. For clinicians
            2. Thurrock school health service (5-19)
              1. Hearing and Vision Screening
              2. National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)
              3. School Health Team E-Support
              4. For clinicians
              5. Resources
                1. General information
                2. Emotional health and wellbeing
                3. Sexual health and relationships
                4. Healthy lifestyle
                5. Gangs, substance misuse and smoking
                6. Online safety
          2. Thurrock Pathway Services
            1. Adult community mental health services - Thurrock
            2. Ambulance Service - Thurrock
            3. BTUH
            4. Community Integrated Respiratory Service
            5. Dementia Crisis support team
            6. General Practitioners -Thurrock
            7. End of Life service (Thurrock)
            8. Integrated Community Team (ICT)
            9. Joint reablement team (JRT)
            10. Local area coordinators (LACs) Thurrock
            11. Police service - Thurrock
            12. Rapid Response Assessment Service (RRAS)
            13. Social care services - Thurrock
            14. Wheelchair service (Thurrock)
          3. Corringham Integrated Medical and Wellbeing Centre
          4. Thurrock First service
          5. Epilepsy
            1. For clinicians
      3. Kent and Medway Services
        1. Kent and Medway
          1. Learning Disabilities, Autism and ADHD
            1. Autism Assessment Service
              1. Support
              2. Autism FAQs
            2. ADHD
              1. Support while you wait
              2. ADHD FAQ
            3. Learning Disabilities Service
            4. How to refer
            5. Autism and ADHD providers in Kent
          2. Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital
          3. Kent & Medway Children & Young People's Mental Health Service (CYPMHS)
            1. About our service
            2. How to refer to Kent & Medway CYPMHS
            3. Contact us
            4. Crisis
            5. Further support
            6. Participation
            7. Working with the University of Creative Arts (UCA) Canterbury
          4. Kent Emotional Wellbeing Team and Medway Emotional Support Team
            1. Your Emotional Wellbeing/Support Team - Out and About
            2. Kent - Emotional Wellbeing Teams
              1. Kent Primary Schools
              2. Kent Secondary Schools
            3. Medway - Emotional Support Teams
              1. Medway Primary Schools
              2. Medway Secondary Schools
            4. Your Voice
            5. Find your school
            6. Resources
            7. Self-Referral Options
          5. Eating Disorders Service - Kent and Medway
            1. Our team
            2. Frequently Asked Questions
            3. Additional Resources
            4. Helpful terms
            5. FREED
          6. Kent Primary Care Network Children's and Young People's Mental Health Practitioner (PCN MHP)
    3. Talking Therapies services
      1. Talking Therapies Barking and Dagenham
      2. Talking Therapies Havering
      3. Talking Therapies Redbridge
      4. Talking Therapies Waltham Forest
  3. Patients, carers and visitors

    1. Thanks and complaints
    2. Patient experience
      1. Involvement Team
        1. Involvement Representative Work
        2. Coproduction
      2. Learning Academy
      3. Expert Patient Programme
      4. Chaplaincy
      5. Voluntary services
        1. Work experience
      6. NHS Community Mental Health Survey
      7. PALS and complaints
    3. Patients and their medications
    4. Mental health services
      1. I need help - Adult and child mental health resources
      2. Staying on a ward
      3. Visiting
      4. Your rights
      5. Your health records
      6. Suicide Prevention
    5. Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF)
    6. Carer information
      1. Finances & benefits
      2. Carer assessments
    7. Collaborations
      1. North East London (NEL) Community Services Collaborative
      2. Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative (MSECC)
        1. Mid and South Essex Community Collaborative Virtual Hospitals
        2. Mid & South Essex Community Collaborative Joint Committee meetings
      3. North East London (NEL) Collaboratives
    8. Cost of Living Assistance
    9. Bedrock Hospital Radio
    10. Supporting the Armed Forces
    11. Patients Know Best
    12. Help to stop smoking
    13. St George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub
      1. St George’s Health and Wellbeing Hub Background Information
        1. Our Vision
        2. Our Proposals
        3. Scale and Massing
        4. Access, Parking and Transport
        5. Landscape and Open Space
        6. Construction and Management
        7. Sustainability
      2. St. George's Engagement Summary
  4. About us

    1. Trust Strategy
    2. Trust Board
      1. Non-executive board members
      2. Board meetings
      3. Board papers
      4. Getting the best from your visit to the Trust Board
      5. Bribery Act statement from chief executive
    3. Governors
      1. Public member governors
      2. Staff governors
      3. Governor resources
      4. Council of Governors meetings
      5. How to become a governor
    4. Members
      1. Apply to be a member
    5. Policies and publications
      1. Policies
      2. Publications
      3. Strategies
    6. NELFT NHS Charity
      1. About us
      2. Our impact
      3. How you can support us
      4. Fundraising
      5. Circle of Wishes
      6. FAQs
      7. NELFT NHS Charity News
    7. Community Mental Health Transformation Programme
      1. CMHT programme FAQs
      2. Meet the CMHT programme team
      3. CMHT Programme Additional information
      4. Information about the CMHT programme for our service users and carers
      5. CMHT Programme Newsletters
      6. Mental Health & Wellness Teams
    8. Medical Education
      1. Supporting you
      2. Meet the team - Medical Education
      3. Postgraduate and undergraduate education
        1. Resident Doctors
          1. Core Training
          2. Higher Training
          3. Kent Training
          4. Foundation Training
          5. GP Training
          6. Waltham Forest NELFT VTS GP Training Programme
        2. Consultants / SAS and MTI Scheme
          1. Consultants and SAS Doctors
          2. MTI
      4. Courses and conferences
        1. Simulation Training
          1. NELFT Medical Education Teaching Activities
      5. How to contact us
    9. Library and knowledge services
      1. What we do
      2. Library resources
      3. Join the library
      4. Request a search
      5. Training
      6. Frequently asked questions
      7. Contact Us
      8. Primary Care Library & Knowledge Services
    10. Research & Development
      1. What we do
        1. Research strategy
      2. Meet the team Research and Development
      3. Current research
        1. NELFT Sponsored studies
        2. Performance and Reporting
      4. Apply for approvals
      5. Consent for Contact
      6. Training
      7. Newsletters
      8. Resources
      9. Publications
      10. Contact us
    11. Quality Improvement Services
      1. Where to start? (QIS)
      2. Support/Resources
      3. QIS Training
      4. Projects, Sharing & Learning
        1. NELFT Quality Improvement Projects
        2. Clinical Audits
        3. Conference Participation
        4. Patient Leadership and Co-Design within QI
        5. Collaborative Participation
      5. QIS News
      6. NICE
    12. Quality compliance
    13. Armed Forces Covenant
      1. Armed Forces Covenant testimonials
    14. Initiatives at NELFT
      1. BHR Academy
      2. Coping Through Football
      3. Harm Free Care
        1. Reports and progress
      4. Make A Difference Awards
      5. Waltham Forest Recovery College
      6. NHS Open Dialogue
        1. Open Dialogue values
        2. Dialogue First service
    15. Relational Care Faculty
    16. Equality, diversity and inclusion
      1. Modern Slavery Statement
      2. Human Rights Act
      3. Equality Act 2010
      4. Public sector equality duty (PSED)
      5. Resources
      6. NELFT Staff Networks
        1. Pride at NELFT
      7. BME Male Nurses Network
        1. Who is the network for?
        2. Projects
        3. BME male network contacts
        4. Resources
    17. eMHA by Thalamos
    18. Freedom To Speak Up
    19. Performance
      1. Learning from deaths
      2. Safeguarding Compliance
      3. Safer Staffing
    20. Freedom of Information
      1. Annual accounts and spending
      2. Board of Directors register of interests
      3. Decision-making staff register of interests
      4. Gifts and hospitality register
      5. DSP Toolkit
    21. Procurement
      1. E-Procurement
    22. Accessibility statement
    23. Fair Processing Notice
    24. Emergency Preparedness Resilience and Response (EPRR)
  5. News

    1. Events
    2. Blogs
    3. Awards & accreditations
  6. Contact us

    1. Press enquiries
    2. Photography and filming
      1. Media filming at NELFT
    3. Social Media
    4. Barking and Dagenham locations
    5. Basildon locations
    6. Brentwood locations
    7. Chelmsford locations
    8. Colchester locations
    9. Havering locations
    10. Kent and Medway locations
    11. Redbridge locations
    12. Thurrock locations
    13. Waltham Forest locations
    14. Urgent Treatment Centres
    15. Wards
      1. Meadow Court
        1. Meadow Court - Lily Ward
          1. For clinicians
        2. Meadow Court - Winter Lily Ward
          1. For clinicians
        3. Meadow Court - Poppy Ward
          1. For clinicians
      2. Sunflowers Court - Turner ward
        1. For clinicians
      3. Sunflowers Court - Section 136 Suites
      4. Brookside - Child and adolescent inpatient unit
        1. For clinicians
      5. Stroke Services - Marigold Ward
        1. For clinicians
      6. Sunflowers Court - Cook ward
        1. For clinicians
        2. Additional information
      7. Sunflowers Court - Morris ward
        1. For clinicians
      8. Sunflowers Court - Knight ward
        1. For clinicians
      9. Sunflowers Court - Monet ward
        1. For clinicians
      10. Sunflowers Court - Kahlo ward
        1. For clinicians
      11. Sunflowers Court - Stage ward
        1. For clinicians
      12. Sunflowers Court - Titian ward
        1. For clinicians
      13. Woodbury Unit
        1. For clinicians
      14. Sunflowers Court - Picasso ward
        1. For clinicians
  7. Jobs at NELFT

  8. London CAMHS

    1. Our Services
      1. Barking & Dagenham CAMHS
        1. Barking and Dagenham Resources
      2. Havering CAMHS
        1. Havering Resources
      3. Redbridge CAMHS
        1. Redbridge Resources
      4. Waltham Forest CAMHS
        1. Waltham Forest Resources
      5. Brookside Child & Adolescent Inpatient Unit
      6. Interact
    2. Resources
      1. Anger & Emotion Regulation
      2. Anxiety - Help & Advice
      3. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
      4. Bereavement
      5. Bullying
      6. Cancer Support
      7. Depression, Loneliness, Withdrawal, Low Mood
      8. Exam Stress
      9. Learning Disabilities
      10. Food and your body
      11. LGBTQ+ Resources
      12. London Activities
      13. Mental Health Training for Young People & Parents
      14. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
      15. Parental Mental Health Resources
      16. Parental Separation
      17. School Attendance Issues
      18. Selective Mutism
      19. Self Harm
      20. Sleep Issues
      21. Sex Education
      22. Social Anxiety
      23. Specific Learning Difficulties
      24. Tics & Tourettes
      25. Transition to Secondary School
      26. Trauma, Abuse, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
      27. Unaccompanied Minors, Refugees & Asylum Seekers
      28. Website Resources for Parents & Young People
    3. Refer/Contact us
  9. Privacy and Cookie Policy

  10. Terms and conditions